sexta-feira, março 21, 2008, posted by # 7 at 23:25

At 1 de maio de 2009 às 17:37, Anonymous Anónimo

Tears of pain
Tears of rain
Tears of blood
Tears that no one can see but me
Sometimes I just want to sit in my room and let the tears flow
Whether it be slow or fast
When I think of all you mean to me and how I mean nothing to you it makes me cry tears of blood
Red, wet, sticky and in my eyes lovely
I bleed these tears
Due to how I worry and stress over you
But I know you don’t stress over me
I cry over you
I pray over you
I pray that you don’t do something that I know oh to well about
I pray you don’t become what I have become and been in the past
I pray you see your future before it may become your past
Gone in a rush and fast at last
Without any thought or care on how u lived your life because then you would be me
Selfish, helpless, worthless,
Then you would to cry tears of blood in the rain and then you would feel the pain of my heart that no one knows about
The pain that I try to hide
The pain that is many colors inside
The colors of my tears
The intense gushing of the red blood that bleed in the rain
I thought you couldn’t see my blood tears but there you are bleeding them with me
Now my fear has come true
Your future has become my past and my past as been gone at last
Since I bleed my last tear of blood there is no need for the life I’ve lived and the blood I’ve shed these were my blood tears
Your future has become your past and your past I refuse to see it gone at last since you have not bleed your last tear of blood there is plenty need to be all you can be
I hope you do not end as me in an inferno of flames and in shame
I hope you do forgive me when you learn the truth of me
I hope you still care about me and live your life to the fullest as I wish I could have done but my life is gone
I’ve shed my last blood tear
By writing this here
I hope you see I couldn’t tell you all there is about me
I couldn’t show you all my tears
It just wouldn’t be me
But now I have and now I feel free
No more tears of pain
No more tears of rain
No more tears of blood
No more tears I’m me
No more tears you will find
No more tears of anger
No more tears of flames



Emanuel Simoes

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